create , inspire , transform

meet our team

Factor3 Digital is a progressive boutique creative firm comprising a passionate team of storytellers working hard to help mission-driven organizations cut through the noise and raise their profiles to change the world. We write, design, code, and film the content your audiences need to understand you, be inspired by you, and take action to help you fulfill your mission. And we help you learn, plan, and strategize to make it all happen.

Carla Uriona


chief content officer

Prior to being a founding partner at Factor3 Digital, Carla served in senior writing and design positions leading editorial, digital, and creative teams at research and advocacy nonprofits for more than 10 years. She led the first design team at the Pew Charitable Trusts, where she helped Pew launch its first-ever data visualization products. She has spearheaded 360 rebranding projects, mentored writers on how to create for digital, and worked with many organizations transitioning from print to digital. She lives in the DC area with her wife, son, and a rambunctious black lab named Sabrina. An avid cyclist and runner, Carla also coaches kids’ soccer and makes really good spinach smoothies. Follow her on Twitter, read her occasional posts on data viz, or hit her up for writing tips here.

Evan Potler


chief creative officer

Evan is an award-winning designer who has spent more than a decade designing everything from magazine layouts, annual reports, and publications to logos, marketing materials, and visual identity systems for print and digital. He specializes in infographics and building great user interface elements for websites. Prior to being a founding partner at Factor3 Digital, Evan held several senior art and creative director positions, helping businesses and national nonprofits transform their content into relatable, quality visual experiences online and in print. Evan studied fine arts and graphic design at Ringling College of Art and Design in Florida. He lives in the DC area with his wife and four kids. You can catch Evan at every Baltimore Ravens home game or find him enjoying his favorite zombie movies and TV shows.

Hunter Weeks


head of video, consulting partner

Hunter is an award-winning American filmmaker, producer, and storyteller. From documentaries to social media teasers, Hunter is an expert at crafting persuasive, effective stories for video. As a digital strategist, Hunter brings the unique ability to understand the needs of audiences across different platforms (from Facebook to TV) to create compelling video experiences that work.He has directed and produced seven feature-length documentaries including 10 MPH and Inspired to Ride. Hunter is also a producer and director of the Carbon TV original documentary series, American Harvest. Most recently, Hunter worked with Carla to launch How is My Kid Doing, a 2-year digital storytelling project funded by the Melinda and Bill Gates Foundation designed to engage marginalized communities online and offline on education issues. Hunter lives in Seattle with his wife, two daughters, and puppy. When he puts his camera down, he loves to go hiking with his kids, enjoying the local beer scene, and attending any film festival he can get tickets to.

Lloyd Chrein


digital marketing lead, consulting partner

TJ is Factor3's resident digital marketing guru. He started his career in finance but was lured away by the ever-evolving marketing industry. After college, he worked at a marketing agency and media company in Times Square for years before answering the call to head up marketing for a DC-based start-up. Despite his marketing strategy, that startup was very successful (one of his favorite jokes). Luckily for Factor3, that company eventually sold to Apple and TJ decided to start a marketing firm and, eventually, to partner with us on a broad cross-section of digital marketing services, from marketing strategy to analytics to ad buys. While TJ has worn many different hats, his focus has never changed—to create marketing that actually works. He's also a closet designer, so you can expect his presentations and dashboards to look fabulous. TJ lives in Northern Virginia with his wife and three young kids.

Evan Potler


lead developer, consulting partner

Vipul Rajdev has two decades of demonstrated leadership experience implementing technology and business operations solutions for Fortune 100 companies, including 10 years serving in senior management roles at PricewaterhouseCoopers and IBM. Recently, Vipul moved back to his native India where he works remotely and leads Factor3's web development work. Vipul lives with his wife, son, and mother. He enjoys taking long road trips and volunteers as a youth mentor for several organizations.

Lloyd Chrein


lead developer, consulting partner

Originally trained as a journalist, Lloyd brings an appreciation for writing as well as technology. Lloyd is a veteran developer who ran a successful web design firm for more than 20 years, delivering sites that work well and look great. As a seasoned developer, Lloyd is used to the constant changes in technology. He doesn’t get rattled and he’ll never convince you to build more than you need. Lloyd lives in the New York City area with his wife and two sons. When he’s not working his magic behind the computer, you can find him at the gym, growing vegetables, or jamming on his guitar with local musicians.

Lloyd Chrein


lead designer

Arielle is a Brooklyn-based designer who loves spending her time working on creative projects in coffee shops. She has a BFA in Communication Design with a concentration in Graphic Design from Pratt Institute. She enjoys working on a wide range of projects—including brand identity, logos, websites, and icon design—and her favorite projects include book design and typesetting. She is a hard-working, detail-oriented, people-focused collaborator who loves working with clients to bring their vision to life in creative and engaging ways that resonate and inspire audiences.

the factor3 story

We believe that nonprofits and companies seeking to do good in the world shouldn't be intimidated by the perceived complexities of the digital ecosystem. Giving nonprofits access to a small group of creatives who are just as passionate about their work as they are, and who are willing to empower them with knowledge for their next project, is our goal.

We do this by bringing our talent and expertise to both corporate and nonprofit clients. Our corporate clients love us because they get the benefit of a small boutique firm that is highly responsive, streamlined, and results-driven. And our nonprofit clients love the fact that our corporate partners subsidize our nonprofit work by helping us to keep our (lower) rates affordable for smaller, mission-driven organizations.

some of our clients

Blue Matter Consulting

Brady Campaign and Brady Center


Council for a Strong America

FamiliesUSA Foundation

Feeding America

Georgetown Lombardi Comprehensive Cancer Center

GI Cancers Alliance



Boston Government Services

Endurance Learning

International Budget Partnership


Progress Arizona

Hope Strengthens Foundation

Intesa Communications

Kansas Independent College Association and Fund

Knowledge to Practice

Maestro Group


National School Boards Association

Opportunity At Work

National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial Fund

Healthcare Ready



Freedom House


Texas A&M University

Public Affairs Council

Raymond Foundation


The Ruesch Center

The Council for Affordable Quality Healthcare

The Opportunity Institute

The Content Worx

Truth Initiative

Vector Talent




The University of Texas at Austin

The University of Florida

Merit America

what our clients say