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Remember Hans Rosling’s 200 Countries in 200 Years, the four-minute snippet of the Joy of Stats documentary? If only all data visualizations could convey the energy of this passionate four-minute narration, we wouldn’t be be writing cheeky/snarky commentaries on bad infographics–we’d all be learning R or something, I guess.

Perusing the interwebs in search of entertainment, accuracy and clarity, and lamenting the fact that my toddler has encroached upon my ability to watch uninterrupted fútbol, I came across a nice example of tree mapping–clear and to the point. More importantly, it shows where the Premier League spent its precious pounds on transfer players in 2011. Wondering if we’ll see more transfer scandals like Tevez and West Ham, but that’s a different blog, I suppose.

If you’re interested in tree maps, read the 10 Lessons in Treemap Design by Juice Analytics. Yes, it was written waaaay back in 2009 but still holds true, IMHO.

Premier League soccer transfer spending 2011